Promoting Pandemic Peace Campaign

Urban Youth Trauma Center | COVID-19 Best Practices

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  2. Urban Youth Trauma Center
  3. COVID-19 Best Practices
  4. Promoting Pandemic Peace Campaign

Promoting Pandemic Peace Campaign

UYTC COVID Join the Campaign Join the Urban Youth Trauma Center’s
#PromotingPandemicPeace Campaign!

The goals of the Promoting Pandemic Peace campaign are to:

  1. Enlighten others about the negative impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on youth, families, and entire communities.

  2. Educate the public about the risk factors related to COVID-19 exposure and provide strategies that can promote resilience in youth, families, and communities during this pandemic.

  3. Engage families, communities, mental health professionals, school staff, law enforcement, and faith-based organizations in the process of working together to address the complexities of the COVID-19 pandemic.


Share Your Story! Take the Pledge!

We would like you to join our campaign by writing down your pledge for how you plan to use the best practice strategies to help yourself, your family, or others during the COVID-19 pandemic. You can share your pledge on social media using the hashtags #PromotingPandemicPeace, #UYTC, and #COVID19

Click COVID-19 Campaign Instructions and Pledge Sheet to download a printable copy.


Share Your Story! Take the Pledge!

We would like you to join our campaign by writing down your pledge for how you plan to use the best practice strategies to help yourself, your family, or others during the COVID-19 pandemic. You can share your pledge on social media using the hashtags #PromotingPandemicPeace, #UYTC, and #COVID19

Click COVID-19 Campaign Instructions and Pledge Sheet to download a printable copy.