Dr. Natania Crane was the first-author on a book chapter "Cannabis and Neuropsychology" in the first edition of the American Psychological Association Handbook of Neuropsychology.

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  5. Dr. Natania Crane was the first-author on a book chapte...

Dr. Natania Crane was the first-author on a book chapter "Cannabis and Neuropsychology" in the first edition of the American Psychological Association Handbook of Neuropsychology.

Crane, N.A. & Wade, N.E. (2023). Cannabis and Neuropsychology. In G. G. Brown, T. Z. King, K. Y. Haaland, & B. Crosson (Eds.), APA Handbook of Neuropsychology: Vol. 1. Neurobehavioral Disorders and Conditions: Accepted Science and Open Questions. American Psychological Association. 

Featured Profile

Natania Crane PhD

  • Assistant Professor
  • Associate Director of the UIC Recovery Clinic
  • Department of Psychiatry, UIC

(312) 413-4453
ncrane3atuic [dot] edu