Searching for consistency in attendance data recording, reporting, and utilisation in the United States.

Research lab of Dr. Kathleen M. Rospenda

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Searching for consistency in attendance data recording, reporting, and utilisation in the United States.

Dr. Patricia Graczyk, Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychology, co-authored and presented a paper titled "Searching for consistency in attendance data recording, reporting, and utilisation in the United States" as part of a symposium at the International Network for School Attendance Annual Conference in Egmond aan Zee, Netherlands. 

Graczyk, P. A., & Gentle-Genitty, C. (October, 2022). Searching for consistency in attendance data recording, reporting, and utilisation in the United States. In G. Keppens & C. Gonzalvez (Chairs), How Different Countries Record, Report, and Use School Attendance Data: What Needs to Change, and What Needs to Stay the Same? Part 1 [Symposium]. Paper presented at the International Network for School Attendance Annual Conference, Egmond aan Zee, The Netherlands.

Featured Profile

Patricia A. Graczyk PhD

  • Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychology

(630) 428-6101
pgraczykatuic [dot] edu