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Jennifer Suor PhD

  • Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, Licensed Clinical Psychologist
  • Institute for Juvenile Research
  • Department of Psychiatry
Dr. Jennifer Suor, Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Illinois – Chicago. Dr. Suor is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist in the State of Illinois. Dr. Suor received her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from the University of Rochester, with emphasis in developmental psychopathology. Dr. Suor completed her predoctoral internship and postdoctoral fellowship in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Illinois – Chicago.  

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Aida Adriano

  • Research Assistant, PEACE Lab
Aida is an undergraduate at UIC’s Liberal Arts and Science College studying Biological Sciences. She began in the Fall of 2020, and this is her third year. Aida is part of the Honors College at UIC. She is a volunteer for Dr. Cope Feurer in the adolescent research lab, FAM lab. She is interested in the psychiatric field, specifically in children and teens.

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Emily Barron MA

  • Ph.D. Student at Northwestern University, Biological Anthropology
  • PEACE Lab Volunteer Research Specialist

Emily began her doctoral studies at Northwestern University in the fall of 2021. She is a biological anthropologist interested in understanding human brain development through an evolutionary lens.

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Sofiia Boiko

  • Undergraduate Research Assistant, ListenUP Research Collaborative Lab and PEACE Lab
Sofiia is an undergraduate student at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Her major is General Psychology, and Criminology, Law and Justice. She’s passionate about clinical psychology, especially topics of childhood trauma development and war-related PTSD development in refugees. She is a member of two labs at UIC: ListenUp Research Collaborative and PEACE Lab, as well as board member of PsiChi chapter at UIC. In the future, she plans to pursue a Ph.D in Clinical Psychology.

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Jessica Carney MA

  • Psychology Intern

Jessica Carney (Jess) is a doctoral candidate in the Clinical Psychology PhD program at the University of Notre Dame and is completing her predoctoral internship in clinical child psychology in the UIC Department of Psychiatry. 

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Judith Kim BA

  • Research Volunteer, PEACE Lab

Judy is a first-year medical student at the University of Illinois at Chicago. She is interested in pursuing a specialty in psychiatry or neurology with a focus in pediatrics

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Sara Meeks

  • Undergraduate Research Assistant, PEACE Lab

Sara is an undergraduate student at UIC studying Applied Psychology. She is a research volunteer in the PEACE lab. She intends to apply to graduate school and pursue a PhD in clinical psychology in the future.

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Carlos R. Melendez MPS

  • Research Volunteer, PEACE Lab

Carlos Melendez is a doctoral student in clinical psychology at the University of Illinois Chicago. Carlos graduated from the University of Maryland, College Park in 2020 with a BA in Psychology and a BA in Spanish Language, Literature & Culture. Additionally, he received a Master’s in Professional Studies in Clinical Psychological Sciences at UMD.

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Maya Chan Morales MA

  • Research Volunteer, PEACE Lab

Maya Chan Morales is a doctoral student in clinical psychology at the University of Illinois at Chicago. She is a recipient of the Access to Excellence Fellowship, as well as the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowships Program (NSF-GRFP).

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Rebecca Mueller BS

  • Research Associate I, PEACE Lab and Research Volunteer, CCAN Lab
  • Project Coordinator for EPIC
  • Department of Psychiatry, UIC

Becca graduated from Vanderbilt University in 2023 with a B.S. in Psychology and Human and Organizational Development. She is a member of Dr. Suor’s Parenting, Environmental Risk, Affective Neuroscience, and Child Emotions (PEACE) Lab. In the PEACE Lab, she serves as the project coordinator for the EPIC study. Becca is also a volunteer in Dr.

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Alexandra Petryczenko BS, BA

  • Research Volunteer, PEACE Lab

Alexandra is a first-year psychology doctoral student at Penn State University under the advisement of Dr. Katie Burkhouse. She graduated from the University of Delaware in 2021, where she received a B.A. in Psychology, a B.S. in Neuroscience, and completed a minor in Public Health. She gained two years of clinical research experience after her undergraduate career with Drs.

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Evelyn Pizano

  • Undergraduate Research Volunteer, PEACE Lab

Evelyn is an undergraduate student at UIC studying Biological Sciences and General Psychology. She intends on applying to graduate school in order to further her education and pursue a PhD in the field of Neuroscience. 

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Leen Subei

  • Undergraduate Research Assistant, PEACE Lab

Leen is an undergraduate LAS student majoring in Neuroscience. She is a volunteer research assistant in the PEACE lab, working under the guidance of Dr. Jennifer Suor. Leen is particularly interested in the connection between abstract concepts of behavior and their tangible physical manifestations. She aspires to pursue a Ph.D.

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Suzen Vahora

  • Undergraduate Research Assistant, PEACE Lab

Suzen is a fourth year neuroscience major with the pre-med tract at university of Illinois at Chicago. She is expecting to graduate with a degrees in B.S in neuroscience in December 2024. She is a interested in research and learning new techniques related to the neuro/psych field.

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Alexandra Zax MA

  • Clinical Psychology Intern

Alexandra Zax is a Clinical Child Psychology PhD candidate in the Clinical Child Psychology Program at the University of Kansas and current predoctoral psychology intern at UIC. To date, her primary research interests aim to shed light on complex associations between individual, cultural, and community factors on mental health and behavioral outcomes in youth.

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Payoja Shree

  • Undergraduate Research Assistant, PEACE Lab
Payoja Shree

Katie L. Burkhouse PhD

  • Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, The Ohio State University
Dr. Burkhouse is an Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and a Clinical Psychologist affiliated with UIC’s Pediatric Mood Disorders Clinic. She received her PhD in Clinical Psychology from Binghamton University (SUNY) and completed her Clinical Internship at UIC. Her program of research broadly focuses on identifying behavioral-brain risk phenotypes and preventive interventions for youth depressive disorders. Much of this work focuses on utilizing multiple levels of analysis (i.e., behavioral, EEG, pupil dilation, fMRI) to identify cognitive-affective processing styles involved in the transmission of depression from parents to their offspring. A second focus of her research involves applying this mechanism-based work to prevention efforts for youth at high risk for depression. The ultimate goal of this work is to improve the identification and prevention of internalizing disorders in children and adolescents.

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Marc S. Atkins PhD

  • Professor of Psychiatry and Psychology
  • University of Illinois Chicago
Dr. Atkins is a licensed clinical psychologist and Emeritus Professor of Psychiatry and Psychology and past Director of the Institute for Juvenile Research at the University of Illinois Chicago (UIC). He developed and led the internship in clinical psychology for the Department of Psychiatry for two decades and has mentored numerous graduate students and postdoctoral fellows on career development awards and postdoctoral fellowships. He currently directs the Community Engagement and Collaboration core for UIC’s Center for Clinical and Translational Science. He is the recipient of numerous grants from the NIMH and private foundations examining new models for mental health practice in urban communities to address long-standing disparities in mental health care for children and families living in high poverty urban communities. He currently is Co-PI with Dr. Tara Mehta on a grant from the NIMH studying community health worker navigation into mental health services for urban children and families. He is active in public policy, including as a consultant to the Chicago Public Schools, the Illinois Division of Mental Health, and the Illinois State Board of Education on guidelines for school and community based mental health programs and practices, and to Chief Judge Timothy Evans of the Cook County Circuit Court on behavioral health programming for Restorative Justice Courts.

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Kate Fitzgerald MD

  • Associate Professor, Psychiatry
  • Research Affiliate, Center for Human Growth and Development
  • University of Michigan

Dr. Fitzgerald is interested in a number of clinical and research areas, but is most passionate about pediatric anxiety, including obsessive compulsive disorder. Her current research involves using fMRI, EEG, and behavioral assessments to look for possible neurological biomarkers of anxiety disorders. For more information, visit Dr.

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Stewart Shankman PhD

  • Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences (Psychology)
  • Northwestern University
  • Feinberg School of Medicine
  • Chicago, IL

Dr. Shankman's research focuses on the relation between depression and anxiety disorders, with an emphasis on neurobehavioral processes that are common vs. specific between the two. Currently, Dr. Shankman is the Principal Investigator and co-investigator on multiple NIH-funded projects.

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