The Chicago Tribune published an article covering recent work on the menstrual cycle and acute suicide risk from the CLEAR Lab, led by Dr. Tory Eisenlohr-Moul.

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  5. The Chicago Tribune published an article covering recen...

The Chicago Tribune published an article covering recent work on the menstrual cycle and acute suicide risk from the CLEAR Lab, led by Dr. Tory Eisenlohr-Moul.

The article discusses a recently published paper in the American Journal of Psychiatry titled Predicting Acute Changes in Suicidal Ideation and Planning: A Longitudinal Study of Symptom Mediators and the Role of the Menstrual Cycle in Female Psychiatric Outpatients With Suicidality.

Read more at: Chicago Tribune

Featured Researchers

Tory Eisenlohr-Moul PhD

  • Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Psychology
  • Associate Director of Translational Research in Women’s Mental Health
  • Department of Psychiatry
  • University of Illinois Chicago College of Medicine

temoatuic [dot] edu

Jaclyn Ross PhD

  • Research Scientist/Supervising Psychologist
  • Department of Psychiatry, UIC

jmrossatuic [dot] edu