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Advancing Community Capacity to Empower Service Systems for Mental Health
We are CAPACITY Lab—an interdisciplinary team of scientists who build Community Academic Partnerships to Accelerate Community Implementation of Treatments for Youth.
The CLEAR Lab, led by Tory Eisenlohr-Moul, Ph.D., seeks to CLarify the Endocrinology of Acute Risk for emotional distress, interpersonal problems, substance abuse, and suicide attempts across the menstrual cycle in at-risk females. We seek to clarify the underlying pathophysiology of DSM-5 premenstrual dysphoric disorder, cyclical worsening of other psychiatric disorders, and perimenopausal mood symptoms. We use both mechanistic experimental trials and intensive observational studies in clinical samples, with the ultimate goal of predicting and preventing severe psychiatric outcomes.
The overarching goal of the Clinical Cognitive Affective Neuroscience (CCAN) lab is to increase our understanding of anxiety, depression, and mechanisms of treatment (e.g., Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) to reduce the suffering associated with these and other debilitating internalizing psychopathologies (e.g., stress-related disorders). Our methods include functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), psychophysiological measures such as electroencephalogram (EEG), behavioral and subjective measures (e.g., neuropsychological, actigraphy, self-report) to advance our understanding of several interrelated themes.
The goal of Dr. Subhash Pandey’s research program is to better understand the molecular and epigenetic mechanisms of alcohol addiction and comorbid psychiatric disorders such as anxiety. Using various models, we aim to identify the molecular pathways in specific brain circuits that are altered by acute and long-term exposure to alcohol during both adolescence and adulthood and mediate addiction and alcohol-related behavioral phenotypes.
The Glover Lab uses circuit-specific approaches to understand the neurobiological underpinnings of reward and aversion. We're particularly interested in characterizing how these circuits are affected by neuropsychiatric illnesses including addiction and mood disorders.