Dr. Dana Rusch was an invited online presenter at the June 30th Illinois Mexican and Mexican-American Students Initiative (I-MMÁS)

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Dr. Dana Rusch was an invited online presenter at the June 30th Illinois Mexican and Mexican-American Students Initiative (I-MMÁS)

Dr. Dana Rusch was an invited presenter at the June 30th Illinois Mexican and Mexican-American Students Initiative (I-MMÁS) online International Symposium on Latino/Latina Mental Health. Her presentation focused on immigration policy and mental health. The recording of the symposium can be found here: https://www.uillinois.edu/cms/One.aspx?portalId=1324&pageId=1689759

Read more at: I-MMÁS Latino/Latina Mental Health Symposium

Featured Profile

Dana Rusch PhD

  • Associate Professor in Clinical Psychiatry
  • University of Illinois Chicago
  • Institute for Juvenile Research, Department of Psychiatry
  • Director, Immigrant Family Mental Health Advocacy Program

(312) 413-1708
drusch1atuic [dot] edu