Dr. Judith Cook is co-investigator of a new national RRTC on Community Living and Participation Among People with Serious Mental Illnesses
Dr. Judith Cook is co-investigator of the new national RRTC on Community Living and Participation among People with Serious Mental Illnesses (grant #90RTCP0008) located at Temple University (Dr. Mark Salzer, PI, 2023-2028). This RRTC is generating new research-based knowledge to advance community living and participation outcomes of people with serious mental illnesses.
Featured Profile
Judith A. Cook PhD
- Professor of Psychiatry
- Director, Center on Mental Health Services Research and Policy
- Professor of Psychiatry
- Director, Center on Mental Health Services Research and Policy
(312) 355-3921
(312) 355-4189
jcookuic [dot] edu