Cook, J.A. Invited Research Presentation, Associations Between Transition Disruptions, Poor Mental Health & Multiple Medical Conditions Among Transition-Age Youth with Psychiatric Disabilities, 2024 Annual Meeting of the National Association of Rehabilitation Research & Training Centers, Alexandria, Virginia, May 21, 2024.
Staff at the UIC Center on Mental Health Services Research and Policy partner to translate a comprehensive assessment protocol into the Bosnian language to impact future policy.
The interview highlights the reciprocal relationship by which mental health affects the likelihood of acquiring HIV infection and how people manage it, while in turn, living with the virus also impacts mental health.
Dr. Judith Cook and colleagues publish results of a study of the employment of certified peer specialists in workforce shortage areas
Dr. Judith Cook is co-investigator of a new national RRTC on Community Living and Participation Among People with Serious Mental Illnesses
Dr. Judith Cook's Center released a new episode of its Participatory Action Research (PAR) podcast series featuring an interview with Dr. Laysha Ostrow, who reflects on her personal recovery journey and advice to scholars who are interested in applying participatory action research techniques and starting their own small businesses.