Center on Mental Health Services Research and Policy


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  2. Center on Mental Health Services Research and Policy

About the Center

The Center engages in research, training, and technical assistance to enhance service delivery and increase knowledge about behavioral health. We fully involve people with mental health disorders, their friends and family members, service providers, and other stakeholders in our efforts. Our work promotes concepts of recovery, self-determination, and full community participation. The Center conducts projects in the areas of vocational, residential, and educational rehabilitation; integration of mental and physical health services; crisis management and prevention of psychiatric and medical hospitalizations; the needs of women and people from diverse cultural backgrounds; and systems change. The Center also emphasizes the needs and experiences of individuals living with HIV/AIDS, diabetes, and other co-occurring medical conditions.

For additional information on the Center’s research and training programs, visit:



The Center is part of the Department of Psychiatry’s Mental Health Services Research Program. Funding comes from federal, foundation, and other research grants, evaluation and training contracts, and the State of Illinois. Since 1990, the Center has received a series of five-year Rehabilitation Research and Training Center awards from the federal government. Also ongoing has been funding from the National Institutes of Health via R01, R34, R21, and other mechanisms. During its operation, the Center has been funded to conduct a number of large-scale, multi-site studies testing innovative behavioral health interventions. The Center also houses current and past national and statewide training initiatives funded to educate and enhance the behavioral health workforce.