Rachel Wax BA
- Senior Research Associate
- Urban Youth Trauma Center
- she/her
- waxr [at] uic.edu
Institute for Juvenile Research (IJR)
1747 W. Roosevelt Rd.
Chicago IL 60612 - Room #:CU09, 1st floor
Rachel Wax is the lead developer, trainer, and implementer of the Urban Youth Trauma Centers Youth Violence Prevention Engagement Curriculum (YVPE), a multi-tiered violence prevention program that applies evidence based practices to address the needs of communities impacted by violence, low socioeconomic status, and insufficient access to critical resources. The YVPE curriculum was developed to be facilitated in partnership with Law Enforcement to provide alternatives to traditional punishments for offending youth and to assist in the facilitation of connecting youth and families to resources through cross system collaborative efforts. YVPE has additionally been adapted for implementation in school-based settings. Ms. Wax is a Certified Forensic Interviewer and co-developer of the Adverse Childhood Critical Events and Safety Screener (ACCESS) and referral protocols.
Urban Youth Trauma Center