
  1. Profile
  2. Pamela J. Steigman

Pamela J. Steigman MA

Pamela J. Steigman
  • Research Director/Senior Research Specialist
  • Center on Mental Health Services Research and Policy
Gender Pronouns
  • she/her
Contact Information
  • psteig [at]
  • (312) 413-8063
  • (312) 355-4189
  • School of Public Health / Psychiatric Institute (SPHPI)
    1601 W. Taylor St.
    SPHPI MC 912
    Chicago IL 60612
  • Room #:484

Ms. Steigman serves as the Center’s Research Director. For the past 25 years, she has managed a multitude of federally funded randomized controlled trials and evaluations related to health and wellness, supported employment, financial empowerment and recovery among people with mental health conditions. She also co-manages a large-scale diagnostic assessment of mental health conditions among people living with HIV/AIDS.

  • psychiatry

    Health and wellness promotion, supported employment, financial well-being; mental health services research; mental health among people living with HIV/AIDS.

  • Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on Health and Function of Adults with Psychiatric Disabilities

    PI Dr. Judith Cook

    This 5-year program of research, dissemination, training, and technical assistance is advancing knowledge about the ongoing impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on adults with mental illnesses, along with a series of innovative interventions to improve their outcomes.

  • Testing an Intervention to Promote Financial Wellness Among Adults with Psychiatric Disabilities

    PI Dr. Judith Cook

    This randomized controlled trial study is testing a financial education intervention designed to increase financial literacy and promote money management skills among adults with mental illnesses.

  • Center on Integrated Health Care and Self-Directed Recovery

    PI Dr. Judith Cook

    This 5-year program of research, dissemination, training, and technical assistance is advancing knowledge about health, self-direction, and employment of adults with mental illnesses, along with a series of innovative interventions to improve their outcomes.

  • Selected Publications

    Brown, C., Cook, J.A., Jonikas, J.A., Steigman, P.J., Burke-Miller, J.K., Hamilton, M.M., Rosen, C., Tessman, D.C., Santos, A. (2022). Nutrition and Exercise for Wellness and Recovery: A randomized controlled trial of a community-based health intervention, Psychiatric Services, 74(5), 463-471.
    Pub Med link:

    Cook, J.A., Steigman, P.J., Swarbrick, M., Burke-Miller, J.K., Laing, T., Vite, L., Jonikas, J.A., Brown, I. (2022). Outcomes of peer-provided individual placement and support services in a mental health peer-run vocational program. Psychiatric Services, 74(5), 480-487.
    Pub Med link:

    Cook, J.A., Swarbrick, M., Boss, K.A., Steigman, P.J., Nemec, P., Jonikas, J.A., Brice, G.H., Jr., & Aranda, F. (2022). The importance of employment to workers with preexisting behavioral health disorders during the COVID-19 pandemic. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 45(1), 11-17.
    Pub Med link:

    Cook, J.A., Jonikas, J.A., Steigman, P.J. et al. (2021). Registry-managed care coordination and education for patients with co-occurring diabetes and serious mental illness. Psychiatric Services,

    Cook, J.A., Burke-Miller, J.K., Razzano, L.A., Steigman, P.J., Jonikas, J.A., & Santos, A. (2021).
    Serious mental illness, other mental health disorders, and outpatient health care as predictors of 30-day readmissions following medical hospitalization. General Hospital Psychiatry, Advance access online:

    Cook, J.A., Jonikas, J.A., Steigman, P.J., Glover, C.M., Burke-Miller, J.K., Weidenaar, J., O’Neill, S., Pavick, D., Jami, A. & Santos, C.J. (2021). Registry-managed care coordination and education for patients with co-occurring diabetes and serious mental illness. Psychiatric Services, 72(8), 912-919.

    Jonikas, J. A., Cook, J. A., Swarbrick, M., Nemec, P., Steigman, P. J., Boss, K. A., & Brice, G. H. (2021). The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health and daily life of adults with behavioral health disorders. Translational Behavioral Medicine, 11(5), 1162-1171.

    Cook, J. A., Burke-Miller, J. K., Steigman, P. J. et al. (2018). Prevalence, comorbidity, and correlates of psychiatric and substance use disorders and associations with HIV risk behaviors in a multisite cohort of women living with HIV. AIDS and Behavior, 22(10), 3141-3154.

    Cook, J.A., Razzano, L., Jonikas, J.A., Swarbrick, M.A., Steigman, P.J., Hamilton, M.M. Carter, T.M., & Santos, A.B. (2016). Correlates of Co-Occurring Diabetes and Obesity among Community Mental Health Program Members with Serious Mental Illnesses. Psychiatric Services in Advance (

    Jonikas, J.A., Cook, J.A., Razzano, L.A., Steigman, P.J., Hamilton, M.M., Swarbrick, M.A., Santos, A. (2015). Associations between gender and obesity among adults with mental illnesses in a community health screening study. Community Mental Health Journal, 52(4), 406-415.

    Cook, J.A., Razzano, L.A., Swarbrick, M.A., Jonikas, J.A., Yost, C., Burke, L., Steigman, P.J., Santos, A. (2015). Health risks and changes in self-​efficacy following community health screening of adults with serious mental illnesses. PLoS ONE, 10(4): e0123552. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.012355.

    Steigman, P.J., Pickett, S.A., Diehl, S.M., Fox, A., Grey, D.D., Shipley, P., & Cook, J.A (2014). Psychiatric Symptoms Moderate the Effects of Mental Illness Self-management in a Randomized Controlled Trial. The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 202(3), 193-199.

    Cook, J.A., Steigman, P.J., & Jonikas, J.A. (2014). Outcomes of programs serving mothers with psychiatric disabilities and their young children: A multi-site case file abstraction study. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 37(3), 232-241.

    Cook, J.A., Burke-Miller, J.K., Grey, D.D., Cocohoba, J., Liu, C., Schwartz, R.M., Golub, E.T., Anastos, K., Steigman, P.J., & Cohen, M.H. (2014). Do HIV-Positive Women Receive Depression Treatment that Meets Best Practice Guidelines? AIDS and Behavior, 1-9.

    Cook, J.A., Steigman, P., Pickett, S., Diehl, S., Fox, A., Shipley, P., et al. (2012). Randomized controlled trial of peer-led recovery education using Building Recovery of Individual Dreams and Goals through Education and Support (BRIDGES). Schizophrenia Research, 136(1), 36-42.

    Pickett, S.A., Diehl, S., Steigman, P., Prater, J., Fox, A., Shipley, P., et al. (2012). Consumer empowerment and self-advocacy outcomes in a randomized study of peer-led education. Community Mental Health Journal, doi: 10.1007/s10597-012-9507-0

    Cook, J.A., Steigman, P., Pickett, S.A., Diehl, S. et al., (2011). Randomized controlled trial of peer-led recovery education using Building Recovery of Individual Dreams and Goals through Education and Support (BRIDGES). Schizophrenia Research. 136(1-3), 36-42.

    Pickett-Schenk, S.A., Bennett, C., Cook, J.A., Steigman, P., Lippincott, R., Villagracia, I., & Grey, D.D. (2006). Changes in caregiving satisfaction among relatives of adults with mental illness: Results of a randomized evaluation of a family-led education intervention.  American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 76(4), 545-553.

    Pickett-Schenk, S.A., Cook, J.A., Steigman, P., Lippincott, R., Bennett, C., & Grey, D.D. (2006).  Psychological well-being and relationship outcomes in a randomized study of family-led education. Archives of General Psychiatry, 63, 1043-1050.

    Cook, J.A. & Steigman, P. (2000).  Experiences of parents with mental illnesses and their service needs.  Journal of the California Alliance for the Mentally Ill, 11(2), 221-23.

Title Description Investigator(s) Category Status
Prevalence of DSM-IV Disorders in the MACS-WIHS Combined Cohort Study This large-scale psychiatric epidemiology study will determine the prevalence, type, and severity of mental health and substance use disorders in a national cohort of men and women living with HIV/AIDS and a matched seronegative cohort. Center on Mental Health Services Research and Policy Completed
Use of a Diabetes Registry and Care Coordination in a Medical Health Home for People with Mental Illnesses This study found that introducing a diabetes registry and care coordination was associated with significant improvements over time in A1C, total cholesterol, triglycerides, triglyceride/HDL ratio, and blood pressure among patients of two Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) serving adults with serious mental illnesses. Center on Mental Health Services Research and Policy Completed

*System-generated list from psychiatry research website.