
  1. Profile
  2. Neil R. Smalheiser

Neil R. Smalheiser MD PhD

Neil R. Smalheiser
  • Professor in Psychiatry
Contact Information
  • neils [at]
  • (312) 413-4581
  • School of Public Health / Psychiatric Institute (SPHPI)
    1601 W. Taylor St.
    SPHPI MC 912
    Chicago IL 60612
  • Room #:525

Dr. Neil Smalheiser has over 30 years of experience pursuing basic wet-lab research in neuroscience, most recently studying synaptic plasticity and the genomics of small RNAs. He has also directed multi-disciplinary, multi-institutional consortia dedicated to text mining and bioinformatics research, which have created new theoretical models, databases, open source software, and web-based services. Regardless of the subject matter, one common thread in his research is to link and synthesize different datasets, approaches and apparently disparate scientific problems to form new concepts and paradigms. Another common thread is to identify scientific frontier areas that have fundamental and strategic importance, yet are currently under-studied, particularly because they fall “between the cracks” of existing disciplines.

  • psychiatry

    neuroscience, RNA biology, synaptic plasticity, pathogenesis of neuropsychiatric disorders, medical informatics, text mining

  • Smalheiser, N. R. (2007) Exosomal transfer of proteins and RNAs at synapses in the nervous system.  Biology Direct 2:35.

    Smalheiser, N. R., Zhou, W. and Torvik, V. I. (2008) Anne O’Tate: A tool to support user-driven summarization, drill-down and browsing of PubMed search results. J. Biomed. Discovery Collab. 3:2.

    Lugli, G., Torvik, V.I., Larson, J.R. and Smalheiser, N. R. (2008) Expression of microRNAs and their precursors in synaptic fractions of adult mouse forebrain.  J. Neurochem 106: 650-661.

    Smalheiser, N. R., Lugli, G., Torvik, V.I., Mise, N., Ikeda, R. and Abe, K. (2008) Natural antisense transcripts are co-expressed with sense mRNAs in synaptoneurosomes of adult mouse forebrain. Neurosci. Res. 62: 236-239.

    Smalheiser, N. R., Torvik, V.I. and Zhou, W. (2009) Arrowsmith two-node search interface: a tutorial on finding meaningful links between two disparate sets of articles in MEDLINE. Comput. Meth. Programs Biomed. 94: 190-197.

    Torvik, V. I. and Smalheiser, N. R. (2009) Author name disambiguation in MEDLINE. ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data 3(3):11.  

    Smalheiser, N. R. and Lugli, G. (2009) microRNA regulation of synaptic plasticity. NeuroMolecular Medicine 11: 133-140.

    Smalheiser, N. R., Lugli, G., Lenon, A. L. Davis, J. M., Torvik, V. I. and Larson, J. R. (2010) Olfactory discrimination training up-regulates and reorganizes expression of microRNAs in adult mouse hippocampus. ASN Neuro 2(1):art:e00028.

    Smalheiser, N. R., Lugli G., Zhang, H., Rizavi, H. S., Torvik, V.I., Pandey, G.N., Davis, J. M. and Dwivedi, Y. (2010) microRNA expression in rat brain exposed to repeated inescapable shock: differential alterations in learned helplessness vs. non-learned helplessness. Int. J. Neuropsychopharmacol., in press.

    Smalheiser, N. R., Lugli, G., Thimmapuram, J., Cook, E. H. and Larson, J. (2011) Endogenous siRNAs and noncoding RNA-derived small RNAs  are expressed in adult mouse hippocampus and are up-regulated in olfactory discrimination training. RNA17: 166-181.

Title Description Investigator(s) Category Status
Innovation in an Aging Society NIH NIA P01 AG039347 A one-year supplement grant has also been given to supplement this work, 9/30/17-8/31/18. The Smalheiser laboratory On-going
Text Mining Pipeline to Accelerate Systematic Reviews in Evidence-Based Medicine NIH R01, LM010817-01 This is a multi-institutional consortium encompassing 4 sites, of which UIC is home site. Renewed: new period is 7/05/2016 – 6/30/2020. The Smalheiser laboratory On-going

*System-generated list from psychiatry research website.