
  1. Profile
  2. Neeraj Chhabra

Neeraj Chhabra MD MSCR

Neeraj Chhabra
  • Research Collaborator
Gender Pronouns
  • he/him
Contact Information
  • neeraj1 [at]
  • (312) 355-1819
  • Institute for Juvenile Research (IJR)
    1747 W. Roosevelt Rd.
    Chicago IL 60612
Profile Type
  • Collaborator

Dr. Chhabra received his medical degree and Jefferson Medical College in 2011. He completed his residency in Emergency Medicine at Cook County Health and fellowship in Medical Toxicology with Cook County Health and the University of Illinois Chicago. He holds a master’s degree in clinical research. Dr. Chhabra is an Emergency Physician and Medical Toxicologist conducting research on the intersection of substance use disorder and Emergency Medicine using Machine Learning techniques.

  • use disorders, emergency medicine, machine learning, natural language processing