
  1. Profile
  2. Lisa A. Razzano

Lisa A. Razzano PhD CPRP

Lisa A. Razzano
  • Professor, Department of Psychiatry
  • Deputy Director, Center on Mental Health Services Research & Policy
  • Director of Graduate Studies, UIC College of Medicine
  • University of Illinois Chicago
Contact Information
  • razzano [at]
  • (312) 413-0323
  • (312) 355-0753
  • School of Public Health / Psychiatric Institute (SPHPI)
    1601 W. Taylor St.
    SPHPI MC 912
    Chicago IL 60612
  • Room #:488

Lisa A. Razzano, PhD, CPRP is a tenured Professor of Psychiatry and Deputy Director of the Center on Mental Health Services Research and Policy at the University of Illinois Chicago (UIC), and Director for the James Scholar Program at the UIC College of Medicine. Dr. Razzano is recognized internationally for her funded research and workforce development programs focusing on mental health recovery, physical health co-morbidities, health literacy, mental health, and recovery among people with HIV/AIDS, and community intervention and services research. Her work has been recognized with awards including the American Psychological Association’s Neale Award for Career Contributions in Research, Teaching, and Mentorship in Public Psychology in the Field of Serious Mental Illness (2022), as well as from the Institute for Health Care Advancement (2021) Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association (2017), the Health and Medicine Policy Research Group (2012), and the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI-Chicago, 2007). Dr. Razzano also is the recipient of the UIC Chancellor’s Award for Mentor of the Year (2009), a UIC Excellence in Teaching Award (2011), and is a past UIC Scholar for Teaching Excellence Faculty Fellow (2017-18). Dr. Razzano is co-Director for the Chicago Campus’ Brain and Behavior course (Block 6), as well as Subtheme Leader for Human Growth and Development for the Tri-Campus Phase 1 medical curriculum. Dr. Razzano has served on numerous federal scientific study groups, government review panels, and national executive boards, including as an elected member of the American Psychological Association’s Task Force on Serious Mental Illness and Serious Emotional Disturbance (Chair, 2021-2023) and as national chair for the Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association (2014-16).

    1. Corrigan, P., Razzano, L.A., Pashka, N.J., Ruppert, S., Blaney Rychener, M., Ruiz, A., Kundert, C., & Sheehan, L. (2022). Peer navigators for the health needs of people of color with serious mental illness. Psychiatric Services/doi/abs/10.1176/
    2. Hill, B.J., Motley, D.M., Rosentel, K., VandeVusse, A., Fuller, C., Bowers, S.M., Williams, M., Kipke, M., Kuhns, L., Pashka, N., Reisner, S., DeMonte, J.B., Goolsby, R.W., Rupp, B.M., Slye, N., Strader, L.C., Schneider, J.A., Razzano, L.A., & Garofalo, R. (2022). Employment as HIV prevention: An employment support intervention for adolescent men who have sex with men and adolescent transgender women of color. JAIDS. 10.1097/QAI.0000000000003020.
    3. Smith, M.J., Smith, J.D., Blajeski, S., Ross, B., Jordan, N., Bell, M.D., McGurk, S.R., Mueser, K. T., Burke-Miller, J.K., Oulvey, E.A., Fleming, M., Nelson, K., Brown, A., Prestipino, J., Pashka, N.J., & Razzano, L.A. (2022). A Randomized Controlled Trial of Virtual Reality Job Interview Training for Individuals with Serious Mental Illness in IPS Supported Employment. Psychiatric Services, 1–12; doi: 10.1176/
    4. Cook, J.A., Burke-Miller, J.K., Razzano, L.A., Steigman, P.J., Jonikas, J.A., & Santos, A. (2021). Serious mental illness, other mental health disorders, and outpatient health care as predictors of 30-day readmissions following medical hospitalization. General Hospital Psychiatry, 70, 10-17. 
    5. Smith, M.J., Smith, J.D., Fleming, M.F., Jordan, N., Oulvey, E.A., Bell, M.D., Mueser, K.T., McGurk, S.R., Spencer, E., Mailey, K., & Razzano, L.A. (2019). Enhancing individual placement and support (IPS) - Supported employment: A Type 1 hybrid design randomized controlled trial to evaluate virtual reality job interview training among adults with severe mental illness. Contemporary Clinical Trials, 77, 86-97.
    6. Ben-Zeev, D., Brian, R., Jonathan, G., Razzano, L.A., Pashka, N.J., Carpenter-Song, E.A., Drake, R.E., & Scherer, E.A. (2018). Mobile health (mHealth) versus clinic-based group intervention for people with serious mental illness: A randomized controlled trial. Psychiatric Services,  
    7. Cook, J.A., Steigman, P.J., Razzano, L.A., Burke-Miller, J.K., & Pashka, N.J. (2017). Healthcare utilization and interest in employment services among behavioral health home patients with mental health disorders. Mathematica Disability Research Consortium Working Paper, D-MP-16-07.
    8. Cook, J.A., Razzano, L.A., Jonikas, J.A., Swarbrick, M.A., Steigman, P.J., Hamilton, M.M., Carter, T.M., & Santos, A.B. (2016). Correlates of co-occurring diabetes and obesity among community mental health program members with serious mental illness. Psychiatric Services, DOI: 10.1176/
    9. Razzano, L.A., Cook, J.A., Yost, C., Jonikas, J.A., Swarbrick, M., Carter, T.M., & Santos, A. (2015). Factors associated with co-occurring medical conditions among adults with serious mental disorders. Schizophrenia Research, 161, 458–464.
    10. Razzano, L.A., Hamilton, M.M., Pashka, N.J., Perloff, J.K., & Yost, C. (2015). Employment Outcomes for Individuals with HIV/AIDS & Co-Occurring Mental Health Factors. American Journal of Psychiatric Rehabilitation, 18(1), 19-41.
Title Description Investigator(s) Category Status
Effects of Self-Directed Career Accounts on Vocational Outcomes of Supported Employment Recipients This project examines the impact of a flexible fund called a Career Account on the vocational success of individuals receiving evidence-based practice supported employment services using the Individual Placement and Support model. Center on Mental Health Services Research and Policy On-going
Operationalizing & Assessing Feasibility of the Emerge Model: Evidence-Informed Multidisciplinary Care for Adolescents & Young Adults with Psychiatric Disabilities This project seeks to further standardize, transfer, assess key change mechanisms and impact of a promising AYA multidisciplinary developmentally-focused care model for community mental health settings called Emerge. Center on Mental Health Services Research and Policy On-going
Randomized Controlled Trial of a Model for Peer Health Navigators This disability and rehabilitation research program (DRRP) examines the efficacy of a peer health navigator intervention. Center on Mental Health Services Research and Policy On-going
Randomized Controlled Trial of Blended Telehealth Patient Navigation This project is designing an innovative blended telehealth navigator intervention that combines the evidence-based practices of patient navigation and telemedicine. A randomized controlled trial study is testing the intervention working with study partners from IIT's Chicago Health Disparities Center, Thresholds, Howard Brown Health, and Heartland Health Centers. Center on Mental Health Services Research and Policy On-going
Thresholds Health Literacy Center The Thresholds Health Literacy Center focuses on health and wellness among individuals with serious mental illness who live with other co-occurring disabilities and physical health conditions, with a specific focus on health literacy and service engagement. Center on Mental Health Services Research and Policy On-going
Health Screening of Medical Co-Morbidities among Adults in Mental Health Recovery Data from health screenings of public mental health clients held in four states found high rates of chronic medical conditions and health risk behaviors. After attending the health fairs, participants experienced significant increases in self-rated abilities for health practices, personal competence for health maintenance, and health locus of control. Center on Mental Health Services Research and Policy Completed
Healthcare Utilization and Interest in Employment Services among Patients in Behavioral Health Homes This study used data from patients at Medicaid-funded behavioral health homes in Chicago to determine whether these settings support patients’ employment and reduce their reliance on disability benefits. Administrative and survey data were used to explore patients’ health status, labor force participation, medical and mental health service use, and beneficiary status.   Center on Mental Health Services Research and Policy Completed
Illinois Individual Placement and Support (IPS) Initiative This evaluation study is examining the impact of providing evidence-based supported employment services through the IPS model at two sites in Chicago, as well as policy changes and workforce development activities designed to bring this service delivery model to scale throughout the state of Illinois. Learn more Center on Mental Health Services Research and Policy Completed
UI-TEAM: Utilizing Interdisciplinary Training to Educate & Increase Access to Medication Assisted Treatment UI-TEAM: Utilizing Interdisciplinary Training to Educate and increase Access to MAT project focuses on promoting workforce capacity in use of  medication-assisted treatment (MAT) for opiate addiction. Center on Mental Health Services Research and Policy Completed

*System-generated list from psychiatry research website.

Date Released Title Source
11/12/2024 Dr. Judith Cook and colleagues published study results on the impact of individual budgets on employment and financial outcomes among supported employment service recipients. Psychiatric Services
04/04/2024 Dr. Lisa Razzano Appointed to APA Committee
12/12/2022 Dr. Judith Cook, Dr. Lisa Razzano, and other CMHSRP staff are collaborating with faculty from the Jane Addams School of Social Work to launch a center
04/20/2022 Dr. Lisa Razzano has been promoted from Associate to Full Professor
04/20/2022 Dr. Lisa Razzano collaborated with the Los Angeles Department of Mental Health & University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) Public Mental Health Partnership DMH + UCLA Public Mental Health Partnership
11/22/2021 Dr. Lisa Razzano led the invited webinar, "Inclusive Evidence-Based Practices in Gender Non-Binary Mental Health Services" as part of an ongoing series for SMI Advisor SMI Adviser
11/22/2021 Dr. Judith Cook, Jessica Jonikas & Dr. Lisa Razzano were invited to speak at a US DHHS NIDILRR and SAMHSA-sponsored meeting in September
11/22/2021 Dr. Lisa Razzano was elected chair of the American Psychological Association's Task Force on Serious Mental Illness & Serious Emotional Disturbance. 2021 American Psychological Association
11/22/2021 Dr. Judith Cook, Jessica Jonikas & Dr. Lisa Razzano chaired sessions at the 2021 Illinois Evidence-Based Practices Virtual Conference Series sponsored by the IL DHS in August. Illinois Department of Human Services
05/26/2021 Dr. Lisa Razzano and research partners at Thresholds have been selected to receive the 2021 Health Literacy Innovation Award from the Institute for Healthcare Advancement. Institute for Healthcare Advancement
12/11/2020 Dr. Lisa Razzano is a study partner with investigators at IIT for a 5-year federal grant
12/11/2020 Dr. Lisa Razzano was appointed to the Research and Practice Specialty Counsel, American Psychological Association.
Lisa Razzano, PhD will be leading the evaluation for the UI-TEAM: Utilizing Interdisciplinary Training to Educate and increase Access to MAT project