
  1. Profile
  2. Judith A. Richman

Judith A. Richman PhD

Judith A. Richman
  • Professor of Epidemiology in Psychiatry
Contact Information
  • jrichman [at]
  • (312) 413-4527
  • School of Public Health / Psychiatric Institute (SPHPI)
    1601 W. Taylor St.
    SPHPI MC 912
    Chicago IL 60612

Dr. Richman is a sociologist and psychiatric epidemiologist who has been the Principal Investigator on NIH-funded longitudinal studies for the past 25 years. She has addressed psychosocial contributors to: 1)changes in alcohol use and abuse among male and female physicians during medical school and residency training, 2) changes in depression and alcohol use and abuse among males and females across the transition to parenthood, 3) the impact of sexual harassment and generalized workplace abuse on distress and deleterious alcohol outcomes over a 10 year time period,  and 4) the impact of 9/11/01 and fears of future terrorist attacks on distress and alcohol use and abuse. She has also been involved in research on the community prevalence of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and gender biases in the social construction of this contested disease state. She is currently engaged in a study of the impact of the “Great Recession” on distress and deleterious drinking outcomes. She is on the editorial board of several journals and has served on NIH study section review groups.

  • psychiatry

    Macro-level stressors including the “Great Recession” and the continuing impact of the events of 9/11/01 on mental health and drinking outcomes; sexual harassment and generalized abuse in the workplace as etiological determinants of depression, anxiety and deleterious drinking outcomes.

  • Currently two NIAAA-funded studies:

    1. Macro-level stressors, Terrorism and Drinking Outcomes and 2. Harassment, Cumulative Adversity and Drinking Outcomes. She is also a collaborator in research on drinking among college students and a community study of the prevalence and determinants of chronic fatigue syndrome.

  • Selected Publications

    Brown, R.L., Richman, J.A., Moody M & Rospenda, KM, “The enduring mental health effects of post 9/11 discrimination in the context of the Great Recession: Race/Ethnic differences,” Society and Mental Health, in press.

    Richman J.A., Brown, R.L. & Rospenda, K.M .The Great Recession and drinking outcomes: Protective effects of politically-oriented coping.” Journal of Addiction, Article ID 646451, 2014.

    Richman, J.A., Rospenda, K.M., Johnson, T.P., Cho, Y.I., Vijayasira, G., Cloninger, L. & Wolff, J.M., “Drinking in the Age of the Great Recession,” Journal of Addictive Diseases, 31: 158-172, 2012.

    Richman JA, Cloninger L, Rospenda KM. “Macro Level Stressors, Terrorism, and Mental Health Outcomes: Broadening the Stress Paradigm.” American Journal of Public Health, 98: 323-329, 2008.

    Richman JA, Wislar JS, Flaherty JA, Fendrich M, Rospenda KM. “Effects on alcohol use and anxiety of the September 11, 2001, attacks and chromic work stressors: A longitudinal cohort study”, American Journal of Public Health, 94: 2010-2015, 2004.

    Richman JA, Shinsako SA, Rospenda KM, Flaherty JA. `“Workplace Harassment/Abuse and Alcohol-related Outcomes: The Mediating Role of Psychological Distress.” Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 63(4): 412-419, 2002

    Richman JA, Jason LA. “Gender Biases Underlying the Social Construction of Illness States: The Case of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.” Current Sociology, 49: 15-29, 2001.

    Jason LA, Richman JA, Rademaker A, et al. “A Community-Based Study of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.” Archives of Internal Medicine, 159:2129-2137, 1999.

    Richman JA, Rospenda KM, Nawyn SJ, Flaherty JA, Fendrich M, Drum ML, Johnson TP. “Sexual Harassment and Generalized Workplace Abuse Among University Employees: Prevalence and Mental Health Correlates.” American Journal of Public Health, 89:358-363, 1999.

    Jason LA, Richman JA, et al. “Politics, Science and the Emergence of a New Disease: The Case of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.” American Psychologist, 52: 973-983, 1997

    Richman JA, Flaherty JA, Rospenda KM. “Perceived Workplace Harassment Experiences and Problem Drinking Among Physicians: Broadening the Stress/Alienation Paradigm.” Addiction, 91:391-403, 1996.

    Richman JA, Flaherty JA, Rospenda KM. “Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Have Flawed Assumptions Been Derived from Treatment-Based Studies?” American Journal of Public Health, 84:282-284, 1994.

    Richman JA, Flaherty JA, Rospenda KM, Christensen ML. “Mental Health Consequences and Correlates of Reported Medical Student Abuse.” JAMA, 267: 692-694, 1992.

    Richman JA, Rospenda KM. “Gender Roles and Alcohol Abuse: Costs of Noncaring for Future Physicians.” Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 180:619-626, 1992.

    Richman JA, Flaherty JA. “Gender Differences in Medical Student Distress: Contributions of prior Socialization and Current Role‑related stress.” Social Science and Medicine, 30: 777-787, 1990.

    Richman JA, Flaherty JA. “‘Tragic Man’ and ‘Tragic Woman’: Gender Differences in Narcissistic Styles.” Psychiatry, 51:368-377, 1988. PMID: 3237899.

    Richman JA. “Deviance from Sex‑linked Expressivity Norms and Psychological Distress.” Social Forces, 67:208-215, 1988.

Title Description Investigator(s) Category Status
Chronic Stressors and Alcohol and Drug Abuse in Middle-aged Adults This national mixed methods study addresses the most salient psychosocial causes of increased substance use and increased midlife mortality of US adults, comparing differences by race/ethnicity. Project for Research on Work and Well-being On-going
Workplace Harassment, Macro-Level Stressors, Substance Use and Health Outcomes: A Long-Term Follow Up This project is a 25-year follow-up of participants from a prior study, to investigate the long term health effects of exposure to chronic workplace harassment, including psychopathology and substance abuse.   Project for Research on Work and Well-being On-going
Gender, Harassment and Drinking among College Students This web-based longitudinal cohort study followed nearly 3000 college students from Illinois colleges and universities at 6 points across 4 years of college. Project for Research on Work and Well-being Completed
Work-family Conflict and Drinking in Caregivers This study used a combination of random digit dial (RDD) telephone recruiting and self-report mail survey methodology to conduct a 3-wave panel study of employed men and women with unpaid caregiving responsibilities, in the Chicago metropolitan area.  This study extended previous research on work-family conflict (WFC) by: 1) using a comprehensive measure of WFC to furthe Project for Research on Work and Well-being Completed

*System-generated list from psychiatry research website.