Jaleel K. Abdul-Adil PhD

- Co-Director of the Urban Youth Trauma Center
- Associate Professor of Clinical Psychology in Psychiatry
- adil [at] uic.edu
- (312) 413-1371
- (312) 413-1036
Institute for Juvenile Research (IJR)
1747 W. Roosevelt Rd.
Chicago IL 60612 - Room #:238
Dr. Abdul-Adil's career interest is culturally-sensitive, ecologically-appropriate, and evidence-based practices for low-income urban youth and families. His current research focuses on family-focused interventions for youth with trauma and co-occurring disruptive behavior and community violence exposure that are provided through university-community partnerships, service system collaborations, and national provider networks. Dr. Abdul-Adil is also one of the originators and nationally-renowned experts on the use of modern Rap music and Hip-Hop culture to enrich psychosocial interventions for urban youth.
- Child and adolescent traumatic stress
- Disruptive behaviors (including youth gang involvement)
- Dissemination and implementation science
- Community-based violence prevention and intervention
- Rap music and Hop-Hop culture
Urban Youth Trauma Center
Abdul-Adil, J. (2014). Modern Rap Music: Mining the melodies for mental health resources. Journal of Youth Development: Bridging Research & Practice, 9(2), 149-152.
Abdul-Adil, J. (2014). From voiceless to victorious: Street sounds and social skills for gang-involved urban youth. In B. Porfilio, D. Roy & L. Gardner (Eds.), See you at the Crossroads: Hip-Hop scholarship at the intersections - dialectical harmony, ethics, aesthetics, and panoply of voices (pp. 149-168). Boston, MA: Sense Publishers. Awarded American Educational Studies Association 2015 Critics' Choice Book Award.
Dang, S., Vigon, D. & Abdul-Adil, J. (2014). Exploring the healing powers of Hip-Hop: Increasing therapeutic efficacy, utilizing the Hip-Hop culture as an alternative platform for expression, connection. In B. Porfilio, D. Roy & L. Gardner (Eds.), See you at the Crossroads: Hip-Hop scholarship at the intersections - dialectical harmony, ethics, aesthetics, and panoply of voices (pp. 169-180). Boston, MA: Sense Publishers.
Javdani, S., Abdul-Adil, J., Suarez, L., Nichols, S. R., & Farmer, A. D. (2014). Gender differences in the effects of community violence on mental health outcomes in a sample of low-income youth receiving psychiatric care. American Journal of Community Psychology, 53(3-4), 235-248.
Kiser, L. J., Stover, C. S., Navalta, C. P., Dorado, J., Vogel, J. M., Abdul-Adil, J., Kimh, S., Lee, R.C., Vivrette, R. & Briggs, E. C. (2014). Effects of the child–perpetrator relationship on mental health outcomes of child abuse: It's (not) all relative. Child Abuse & Neglect, 38(6), 1083-1093.
Abdul-Adil, J. (2009). “Principled pluralism” – Toward a religious revival in psychology? One Muslim’s perspective. Edification: Journal of the Society for Christian Psychology, 3(2), 12-16.
Abdul-Adil, J., Drozd, O., Irie, I., Riley, R, Silas, A., Farmer, Jr. A., & Tolan, P. (2009). University-community mental health center collaboration: Encouraging the dissemination of empirically-based treatment and practice. The Community Mental Health Journal, 46(5), 417-422.
Abdul-Adil, J. & Tolan, P.H. (2008). Youth violence. Encyclopedia of interpersonal violence. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Atkins, M., Frazier, S., Leathers, S., Graczyk, P., Talbott, E., Jakobsons, L., Abdul-Adil, J., Marinez-Lora, A., Demirtas, H., Gibbons, R. & Bell, C. (2008). Teacher key opinion leaders and mental health consultation in urban low-income schools. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 75(5), 905-908.
Frazier, S., Abdul-Adil, J., Atkins, M., Gathright, T. & Jackson, M. (2007). Can’t have one without the other: Mental health providers and community parents reducing barriers to services for families in urban poverty. Journal of Community Psychology, 35(4), 435-446.
Abdul-Adil, J. & Farmer, A.D., Jr. (2006). Inner-city African-American parental involvement in elementary schools: Getting beyond urban legends of apathy. School Psychology Quarterly, 21(1), 1-12.
Title | Description | Investigator(s) | Category | Status |
Urban Youth Trauma Center | SAMHSA 1U79SM080017-01 Treatment Service and Adaptation Center for the National Child Traumatic Stress Network aiming to provide services, training and resources focusing on the impact of urban community violence on youth and families experiencing traumatic stress and co-occurring substance abuse and disruptive behavior problems. |
Urban Youth Trauma Center | On-going |
*System-generated list from psychiatry research website.
Date | Topic | Category | Status |
05/02/2018 | Promoting the Protective Web: Trauma-informed Community Violence Prevention with Urban Youth | Past Event |