
  1. Profile
  2. Eric C. Zimmerman

Eric C. Zimmerman MD PhD

Eric C. Zimmerman
  • Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychiatry
  • Medical Director, UI Health Behavioral Health Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP)
  • Department of Psychiatry
  • University of Illinois Chicago
Gender Pronouns
  • he/him
Contact Information
  • ericz [at]
  • (312 413-1186
  • Neuropsychiatric Institute (NPI)
    912 S. Wood St.
    Department of Psychiatry (MC 913)
    Chicago IL 60612
  • Room #:730

Eric Zimmerman is an Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychiatry in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Illinois Chicago. Dr. Zimmerman received his MD and PhD from the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. He completed his residency training in General Adult Psychiatry at University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Western Psychiatric Hospital. In residency he developed an interest in the care of severe and persistent mental illness, pursuing electives at a specialty clozapine clinic, an Assertive Community Treatment team, and a street medicine team, among others. During training, he also completed a fellowship in Public Service Psychiatry at the University of Pittsburgh Center for Public Service Psychiatry. For his fellowship capstone project he coordinated the development and piloting of a consult mechanism facilitating warm handoffs between a medical hospital and a local street medicine organization for persons experiencing homelessness at time of discharge. After completing his residency training he joined the faculty at the University of Illinois Chicago in July of 2023. His professional activities will include providing direct supervision for residents and medical students in outpatient and inpatient settings, as well as caring for some of his own medication management patients at the Anchor Point Clinic.

  • Psychotic spectrum disorders, first-episode psychosis, homeless health, street medicine, community psychiatry, co-occurring disorders, medical student and resident education