Anna Vu BS
- Clinical Research Coordinator, ACCESS for Mental Health Lab
- Department of Psychiatry, UIC
- she/her
- annavu [at]
Institute for Juvenile Research (IJR)
1747 W. Roosevelt Rd.
Chicago IL 60612
Anna Vu is a Clinical Research Coordinator for the NIMH-funded R01 Navigators project at the ACCESS for Mental Health Lab under Dr. Tara Mehta. Preceeding this position, she graduated from the University of Georgia (UGA) where she recieved her B.S. in Psychology and minored in Vietnamese Lanuage and Literature. In addition, she volunteered as a Research Assistant for the Chicago Asian American Psychology Lab at DePaul University and the FUERTE Lab at UGA where she developed her current research interests. Her general research interests involve understanding and advancing the development and mental health of minoritized children and families, with a focus on Asian Americans. Specifically, she is interested in examining the dynamics between cultural-socio factors and mental well-being, destigmatizing mental health, combatting mental health disparities, and developing accessible, effective, and culturally responsive interventions and services for Asian Americans and other minoritized communities (e.g., ethnic/racial minorities, low SES, LGBTQIA+).
- Asian American mental health and well-being
- Clinical-community psychology
- Culturally responsive interventions and services
- Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI)
- Mental health disparities and stigma
- Minortized youth mental health and development
Patient Navigators for Children's Community Mental Health Services in High Poverty Urban Communities