
  1. Profile
  2. Ané Maríñez-Lora

Ané Maríñez-Lora PhD

Ané Maríñez-Lora
  • Research Assistant Professor
  • University of Chicago
Profile Type
  • Collaborator

Dr. Maríñez-Lora received her Ph.D. in School Psychology with a minor in immigrant children and families from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She completed a post-doctoral fellowship in child psychology at Harvard Medical School/Children’s Hospital Boston. Her research interests and activities focus on the provision of mental health services, cultural adaptation of evidence-based interventions, caregiver strain, and clinicians’ use of evidence-based practices. She was co-investigator on an NIMH funded grant testing a school-based mental health services model in Chicago Public Schools. She recently finished a small NIMH-funded research project studying the relationship among the variables of social support, caregiver strain and parents’ decision to access and continue services for their children diagnosed with a disruptive behavior disorder. She is currently co-investigator on an IES-funded grant testing the feasibility of a service model for early career teachers in urban low-income schools. In 2009 she received a Mentored Patient-Oriented Research Career Development Award (K23) from NIMH to support her transition from clinical work to applied clinical research in the areas of services and intervention research with Latino immigrant children and their families.

  • psychiatry
    • Dissemination of evidence-based practices
    • Latino mental health
    • Mental health services research
    • School-based mental health services
    • Parent training
    • Social support and parenting strain
    • Parental school involvement
  • Maríñez-Lora, A.M., & Atkins, M.S. (in press). Evidence-based treatment in practice-based cultural adaptations. In G. Bernal & M. Domenech-Rodríguez (Eds.), Cultural adaptations: Tools for evidence-based practice with diverse populations. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. 

    Atkins, M.S., Shernoff, E. & Maríñez-Lora, A.M., (in press). Next steps for research on SACD programs: Embracing complexity. Journal of Research on Character Education. 

    Maríñez-Lora, A.M., & Quintana, S. M. (2009). Low-income urban African American and Latino parents’ school involvement: Testing a theoretical model. School Mental Health, 1, 212-228. 

    Maríñez-Lora, A.M., & Quintana, S. M. (2008). Demographics, United States. In F.T.L. Leong, E. Altmaier, M.G. Constantine, H.E.A. Tinsley, & B. Walsch (Eds.), Encyclopedia of counseling: Vol. 3. Cross-cultural counseling. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. 

    Atkins, M.S., & Maríñez-Lora, A.(2008). ADHD and psychiatric comorbidity. In P.J. Accardo (ed.), Capute & Accardo’s neurodevelopmental disabilities in infancy and childhood (3rd ed., pp. 693-703). Baltimore, MD: Brookes Publishing. 

    Gross, D., Julion, W., Garvey, C., Maríñez-Lora, A.M., Ordaz, I. (2008). Programa para padres de Chicago de la Universidad de Rush. Chicago, IL: University of Rush Medical Center. (Spanish adaptation of the Chicago Parent Program). 

    Maríñez-Lora, A.M., Atkins, M.S., Cappella, E., Frazier, S.L., Mehta, T, & Shernoff, E. (2006). Links to learning project: The home environments that support learning program. Chicago, IL: University of Illinois Chicago.

Title Description Investigator(s) Category Status
Building Family Foundations (BFF) BFF was a prenatal to early childhood home-visiting program to support first-time Latino and African American young mothers in their transition to motherhood and adulthood. Community Based Children and Family Mental Health Services Research Program On-going
Links to Learning Links to Learning was funded by the National Institute for Mental Health (NIMH) to examine a school-based model for mental health consultation to urban, high poverty schools that focuses on the key empirical predictors of children’s learning and uses parent and teacher key informants to facilitate program utilization and sustainability. Community Based Children and Family Mental Health Services Research Program Completed

*System-generated list from psychiatry research website.