Pediatric Mood Disorders Clinic (PMDC) hosted a team of visiting colleagues from Lund, Sweden
In November, Drs. Sally Weinstein and Julie Carbray in the Pediatric Mood Disorders Clinic (PMDC) hosted a team of 8 visiting colleagues from Lund, Sweden to promote the ongoing collaboration of our teams on the international development of treatment and research focused on pediatric bipolar disorder. This visit was supported by a grant from the Jerringfonden Foundation. The Swedish team observed PMDC assessments and the RAINBOW Group Therapy program for youth with bipolar disorders and their families, met with PMDC trainees, and shared their own work translating, implementing, and studying RAINBOW (Child- and Family-Focused CBT) for adolescents with bipolar disorder in their clinic in Sweden.
Featured Researchers
Sally Weinstein PhD
- Associate Professor of Clinical Psychiatry, Licensed Clinical Psychologist
- Associate Director, University of Illinois Center on Depression and Resilience (UICDR)
- Director, Psychosocial Training
- Institute for Juvenile Research, Department of Psychiatry
- University of Illinois Chicago
- Associate Professor of Clinical Psychiatry, Licensed Clinical Psychologist
- Associate Director, University of Illinois Center on Depression and Resilience (UICDR)
- Director, Psychosocial Training
- Institute for Juvenile Research, Department of Psychiatry
- University of Illinois Chicago
(312) 996-7723
(312) 413-7757
Sweins3uic [dot] edu
- Clinical Professor of Psychiatry and Nursing
- Director, Pediatric Mood Disorders Clinic
- Clinical Professor of Psychiatry and Nursing
- Director, Pediatric Mood Disorders Clinic
(312) 413-1886
(312) 413-7757
jcarbrayuic [dot] edu