Multi-tiered systems of support for school attendance and its problems: An unlearning perspective for areas of high chronic absenteeism.
School attendance problems (SAPs) are a vexing challenge for many educational districts given their complexity, heterogeneity, and opacity. One potential coordinated, integrated approach to ameliorate SAPs and boost school attendance is to leverage existing school-based systems already designed to address multiple individual domains of functioning in students. Multi-tiered systems of support frameworks for school attendance and its problems have been developed but remain in the nascent stage. The purpose of this perspective article is to begin a discussion as to how such frameworks for SAPs could be fundamentally reconfigured in areas with very high rates of chronic absenteeism.
Kearney, C. A., & Graczyk, P. A. (2022). Multi-tiered systems of support for school attendance and its problems: An unlearning perspective for areas of high chronic absenteeism. Frontiers in Education.
Featured Profile
Patricia A. Graczyk PhD
- Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychology
- Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychology
(630) 428-6101
pgraczykuic [dot] edu