Congratulations to Dr. John Zulueta and team, for his project getting recognition in the 2019 Pocket Facts for the entire University of Illinois
Congratulations to Dr. John Zulueta and team, one of our first year Clinical Informatics (CI) Fellows for his project getting recognition in the 2019 Pocket Facts for the entire University of Illinois. His project was one of only 10 highlights mentioned in the attached handout from across all of our 3 University campuses (Chicago, Urbana-Champaign, and Springfield). Thank you John for your great work, to all of our CI Fellows (Drs. Al Alsadi, Monique Diaz and Kamel Azhar) for your great work and to Dr. Tushar Patel for leading the CI Fellow Program! We also appreciate the great mentors and researchers in the Department of Psychiatry for being such great collaborators with us. You all make coming to work a joy every day!
PS – You may want to download the BiAffect App from the Apple Store:
Featured Profile
John Zulueta MD
- Assistant Professor of Psychiatry
- Director, Ambulatory Program
- University of Illinois Chicago
- Assistant Professor of Psychiatry
- Director, Ambulatory Program
- University of Illinois Chicago
jzuluetauic [dot] edu