UIC Awarded major data science grant from the National Institute on Drug Abuse

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UIC Awarded major data science grant from the National Institute on Drug Abuse

In alignment with the HHS Overdose Prevention Strategy, this R61/R33 HEAL Data2Action Innovation Project proposal addresses primary prevention, harm reduction, treatment of OUD, and recovery support using a state-of-the-art data driven approach that will bring together elements of the University of Illinois Hospital and Clinics (UI Health) and University of Illinois Chicago into a single, unified approach that is capable of reducing mortality and morbidity from OUD on the westside of Chicago. We will deploy a combination of machine learning (natural language processing of electronic health records data), state reported prescription monitoring data, and patient reported measures to determine individual and group- level OUD risk across the various UI Health care sites (Priority 2, Innovation Project). We will then use this data at both the individual level (to facilitate clinical care) and at the community/system level (to support resource allocation and planning). The project is led by Dr. Niranjan Karnik and involves a number of UIC faculty and Drs. Zulueta, Holden and Smith from the Department of Psychiatry.

Featured Profile

Niranjan S. Karnik MD, PhD

  • Professor of Psychiatry & Director, Institute for Juvenile Research
  • Co-Director of Institute for Research on Addictions
  • Interim Director of AI.Health4All Center for Health Equity using ML/AI
  • University of Illinois Chicago

nkarnikatuic [dot] edu

John Zulueta MD

  • Assistant Professor of Psychiatry
  • Director, Ambulatory Program
  • University of Illinois Chicago

jzuluetaatuic [dot] edu

Christopher Holden MD

  • Program Director, Addiction Medicine Fellowship
  • Director of Addiction Psychiatry
  • Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychiatry
  • Department of Psychiatry – University of Illinois College of Medicine
  • UI Health

(312) 996-8770
cholde1atuic [dot] edu

Dale L. Smith PhD

  • Senior Data Scientist

(312) 996-8255
dlsmith8atuic [dot] edu