Stevan Weine presents April 18 - Best Minds: How Allen Ginsberg Made Revolutionary Poetry from Madness

UIC Department of Psychiatry

Event Info


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Stevan Weine presents April 18 - Best Minds: How Allen Ginsberg Made Revolutionary Poetry from Madness


Event Info
Category Date and Time
  • Tuesday, April 18, 2023
  • 12:00 PM - 02:00 PM
Topic and Speaker
  • Best Minds: How Allen Ginsberg Made Revolutionary Poetry from Madness
  • Stevan M. Weine MD
    • Professor, Department of Psychiatry
    • Director of Global Medicine & Director of the Center for Global Health
    Stevan M. Weine

  • In-person
  • Behavioral Sciences Building (BSB)
  • 1007 West Harrison Street (MC 206)
  • Chicago IL 60607
  • Conference Room
    • Suite 153

Event Details
Best Minds: Seeing Allen Ginsberg and Madness Through Different Lenses
Tuesday, April 18, 2023
Institute for the Humanities
Behavioral Sciences Building
1007 W Harrison Street, Suite 153
Chicago, IL 60607 
Click HERE to register for Zoom

A case study of one of the most famous artists in the mid–twentieth century to focus on madness, this symposium explores the complex relationships among mental illness, psychiatry, trauma, poetry, and biography. As a young man, the Beat poet Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) experienced visions and connected with dimensions that most people cannot see. He embraced the madness in and around himself and turned it into powerful poems and cultural explosions. These poems tell varied and evocative stories about madness. In “Howl,” madness is liberation, whereas in “Kaddish,” madness is more injurious, both to those afflicted by mental illness and to their loved ones. Yet despite the suffering madness imposes, Ginsberg demonstrated that madness also creates possibilities in its survivors and witnesses for new meaning, identities, and outcomes. 


Featuring panelists:
Ann-Marie McManaman, PhD Candidate, Department of English, University of Illinois Chicago
Bob Rosenthal, UIC alum and author, including Straight Around Allen: On the Business of Being Allen Ginsberg
Michael Schumacher, author of Dharma Lion 
Stevan Weine, UIC Professor of Psychiatry and author, Best Minds: How Allen Ginsberg Made Revolutionary Poetry from Madness

Co-sponsored by UIC Institute for the Humanities, Department of English, and Department of Psychiatry.   
To request accessibility accommodations, contact Katie Corboy at kcorboyatuic [dot] edu by April 13.


View online announcement here.