Advanced Practicum in Clinical Neuropsychology

Psychology Training Programs

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  1. Education
  2. Psychology Training Programs
  3. Advanced Practicum in Clinical Neuropsychology


The Neuropsychology Service at the University of Illinois Medical Center accepts practicum students in adult neuropsychology. The program is coordinated by Dr. Neil Pliskin. Practicum students will develop and refine skills in the neuropsychological assessment of adult inpatients and outpatients drawn from the medical center's Departments of Psychiatry, Neurosurgery, Neuropsychiatry, Rehabilitation, Neurology, Geriatrics, and Medicine, as well as from outside referral sources. These referrals span the entire list of neuropathological conditions such as dementia, cerebrovascular disorders, tumor, HIV, epilepsy, degenerative disorders, ADHD, learning disabilities, hydrocephalus, developmental disorders and traumatic brain injury. Practicum students receive supervised experience in planning test selection, implementing, interpreting, writing up, and communicating results of neuropsychological evaluations using a broad range of tests and procedures. Opportunities for attending patient rounds in other medical clinics may also be arranged on an individual basis.

In addition, for select students who have prior pediatric neuropsychological experiences, they can choose to obtain experience in our lifespan neuropsychology practicum; this will involve seeing both above stated adult patients as well as medically complex children and adolescents from the pediatric medical clinics including Sickle Cell Clinic, Hematology/Oncology Clinic, and Neurology Clinic in the Department of Pediatrics.