Residency Scrapbook

General Psychiatry Residency

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  1. Education
  2. General Psychiatry Residency
  3. Resident Life
  4. Residency Scrapbook

Residency Scrapbook

Beyond excellent clinical training, nationally recognized research, and abundant opportunities for teaching, one of the best parts of UIC's psychiatry program is it's residents (if we do say so ourselves).

Starting from intern year, a sense of class cohesiveness is encouraged. New PGY1s complete a high ropes course together during orientation (because nothing bonds new residents like a little fear). For the first two years, residents participate in a weekly process group, which gives us a chance to give each other support and feedback.

In addition, all residents participate in two full-day retreats each year. The fall retreat brings faculty and residents together to brainstorm potential improvements to the training environment. The spring retreat, for residents only, focuses on improving the program, but also allows us to send off our graduating PGY-4s.