Congratulations Dr. Robert Marvin recipient of the 2020-2021 ABPN Research Award
The ABPN Research Award supports research projects related to the mission of the ABPN, which is to promote and assess the competency of psychiatry and neurology candidates for initial and continuing certification (maintenance of certification). Each year, up to two psychiatry and two neurology awards are presented.
The 2020-21 recipient from Psychiatry is: Robert Marvin, MD
Dr. Marvin, Department of Psychiatry, and his collaborators from the Department of Medical Education, Yoon Soo Park, PhD, and Ara Tekian, PhD, are at the University of Illinois College of Medicine at Chicago. They will work with Robert Lloyd, MD, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine; Senada Bajmakovic-Kacila, MD, Rush University Medical Center; Marla Hartzen, MD, Advocate Lutheran General Hospital; Ryan Finkenbine, MD, University of Illinois College of Medicine at Peoria; and Art Walaszek, MD, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health. Developing Practice-Based Research Networks in Psychiatry Education to Advance the Validity of Assessment Systems for Entrustable Professional Activities
Featured Profile
Rob Marvin MD
- Professor of Clinical Psychiatry
- Professor Emeritus of Clinical Psychiatry, UICOM
- Professor of Clinical Psychiatry
- Professor Emeritus of Clinical Psychiatry, UICOM
rwmarvinuic [dot] edu