While on service there is a half-day per week of protected time dedicated to didactics. PGY-1 residents have didactics on Tuesday afternoon and PGY-2,3, and 4 residents have didactics on Thursday afternoon.
Seminars |
Brain and BehaviorThis seminar is an introduction to brain-behavior relationships. and functional behavioral neuroanatomy. Basic principles of neuropsychiatry, behavioral neurology, and psychiatric neuroscience are introduced. Presenter(s) |
Sociocultural Issues in PsychiatryThis seminar is designed to help clinicians become more sensitive to issues pertaining to cultural diversity. Examples include racial, ethnic, socioeconomic, gender, physical and mental diversity issues. Discussion focuses on how diversity issues impact the overall mental health care delivery system and implications for the therapeutic alliance between patients and clinicians. Presenter(s) |
Emergency PsychiatryThis series of seminars introduces residents to emergency psychiatric issues likely to be encountered by beginning residents during on-call situations. Topics include psychiatric assessments, consultative processes, legal issues, risk assessments, treatment, and disposition. Presenter(s) |
Experiential Process GroupThis group experience affords the residents and opportunity to explore and process the myriad reactions to the process of transitioning from student to resident to physician. All first-year residents are required to participate in this learning and supportive experience. Presenter(s) |
PsychopharmacologyResidents are introduced to major categories of psychotropics, mechanisms of action, side effect profiles, and efficacy studies. Presenter(s) |
Interviewing SkillsPart I introduces a method of interviewing that allows an integration of subjective and objective observation and historical and phenomenologic data. Videotaped interviews are used to provide feedback. Part 2 teaches how to modify the clinical interview to specific clinical settings (ER, C/L service). Residents also learn how to develop a comprehensive case formulation, drawing from the biopsychosocial data obtained during the taking of a clinical history regardless of format, time, or setting. Presenter(s) |
Seminars |
Women’s Mental HealthThis seminar introduces residents to clinically relevant sex and gender differences. Trainees will learn about the influence of the female reproductive cycle on psychopathology and how to alter clinical practice, including patient interviewing, examination, evaluation and treatment, based on these differences. Presenter(s) |
Clinical NeuroscienceThis seminar covers current biological hypotheses about the mind-to-brain relationship, the molecular regulation of brain function, and the mode of action of drugs typically used in the treatment of psychiatric disorders. Presenter(s) |
Introduction to Ethics and Forensic PsychiatryThis seminar acquaints residents with the basic aspects of forensic psychiatry and helps them understand the differences between forensic and general psychiatry. Presenter(s) |
Normal Development and Child/Adolescent PsychiatryThis course begins by reviewing a variety of basic developmental themes: physical, cognitive, attachment, attention, language, temperament, psychosexual, psychosocial, object relation theory, and separation-individuation. Live and videotaped interviews of normal children at various ages are used to supplement the readings. Next, assessment techniques and various therapeutic modalities with children and adolescents are reviewed. The final section reviews psychopathology and surveys the major mental and behavioral disorders of childhood and adolescence. Presenter(s) |
Psychological and Neuropsychological AssessmentsThis seminar is an introduction to Neuropsychology, indications for psychological testing, and interpretation of psychological tests. In addition, residents are taught how to synthesize the information obtained from psychological testing in arriving at a clinical diagnosis. Presenter(s) |
Essentials of Modern PsychotherapyThe goal of this seminar is to help residents gain an understanding of basic psychotherapeutic principles with an emphasis on psychodynamics. The uses of psychodynamic psychotherapy, the selection of appropriate cases and mechanics (time, setting, and termination), issues of self-awareness, transference and countertransference are addressed. Presenter(s) |
Cognitive-Behavioral TherapyThis course introduces the principles of cognitive behavior theory and its efficacy in the treatment of varied psychopathological states. Didactics and videotapes of actual treatment sessions are used to facilitate learning. Presenter(s) |
Health Equity and Structural CompetencyThis course educates residents on recognizing and addressing institutional, political, and social influences in clinical care by applying principles of structural competency. The course also emphasizes intersectionality and integrating frameworks that critically analyze and challenge systemic barriers contributing to inequities in mental health outcomes. Presenter(s) |
Intro to Psychodynamic PsychotherapyPresenter(s) |
Seminars |
Advanced PsychopharmacologyThis seminar is designed to provide advanced knowledge of psychopharmacology and treatment strategies as well as the relevant clinical neuroscience of the major neuropsychiatric disorders. Special topics include medication adherence and medication non-response. Presenter(s) |
Cognitive Behavioral PsychotherapyThis is an advanced course in cognitive-behavioral therapies as they apply to various psychiatric conditions such as depression, anxiety, and stress disorders. Presenter(s) |
Introduction to Dialectical Behavioral TherapyThis seminar will teach participants to understand the theory and development of DBT, including the necessary component of learning the balance of acceptance and change. Participants will understand the basic skill modules in DBT including core mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotion regulation, and interpersonal effectiveness. Presenter(s) |
Evidence-Based Practice and Quality ImprovementThis course provides residents with an introduction to the principles of evidence-based medicine and how they are applied to clinical psychiatric practice. Topics include forming a clinical question using PICO (patient-intervention-comparison-outcome), analyzing the literature, and integrating evidence into clinical practice. The second part of this course focuses on the process of quality improvement (QI) and sets the stage for QI projects. Presenter(s) |
Realities of PracticeThis course covers the basics of maintaining a clinical practice, including contracts, malpractice and legal topics. Presenter(s) |
Research MethodologiesThis seminar provides an introduction to clinical research in its broadest sense. Topics focus on and include idea/hypothesis generation through data collection, statistics, and writing and publishing papers. On-going research at UIC is reviewed. Presenter(s) |
Geriatric PsychiatryThis seminar provides an overview of the psychology, epidemiology, psychopathology, and psychobiology of the elderly patient and will include a discussion of treatment issues in this age group. Presenter(s) |
Advanced Psychodynamic PsychotherapyPresenter(s) |
Seminars |
Advanced PsychopharmacologyA case-based seminar series that expands upon previously mastered psychopharmacology skills. Residents present current cases that focus on a medication-related issue and facilitate discussion of treatment issues in the type of case being discussed. Presenter(s) |
Clinical NeuropsychiatryThis course focuses on the clinical and pathological aspects of neural processes associated with cognition, emotion, and behavior. The diagnosis and treatment of focal neurobehavioral syndromes, major neuropsychiatric syndromes, neurological conditions with cognitive, emotional, behavioral features, and comorbid neuropsychiatric and neurological conditions will be reviewed. Presenter(s) |
Geriatric PsychiatryThis seminar provides an overview of the psychology, epidemiology, psychopathology, and psychobiology of the elderly patient and will include a discussion of treatment issues in this age group. Presenter(s) |
Integrative Multi-perspective Case ConferenceCourse focuses on the inevitability of combined modalities in treating mental disorders. Psychodynamic, cognitive-behavioral and psychopharmacological therapies are discussed as complementary treatment modalities. Emphasis is on successful integrative strategies. Presenter(s) |
Electroconvulsive TherapyCourse develops resident’s knowledge base regarding the history and current applications of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT). Residents will learn how to identify patients who are likely to benefit from ECT, the pre-ECT assessment, the technique of ECT, the side effects, and the use of medications during ECT. Presenter(s) |
Realities of PracticeThis course is provided to PGY-3 and PGY-4 residents and covers the basics of maintaining a clinical practice, including contracts, malpractice, and legal topics. Presenter(s) |
Health Care Policy and SystemsThis seminar series leads residents through an overview of changes in the healthcare landscape and economic conditions driving these changes. Presenter(s) |